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Aerospace Systems

Aerolight Technologies’ Aerospace Systems Division is focused on the design, development, and deployment of unique one-of-a-kind solutions and products supporting the aerospace industries use of small satellite (SmallSats) platforms.


  • Has a unique focus and expertise in SmallSats ranging from ESPA-class to CubeSats and offers industry leading development knowledge and insight to an array of mission partners with demanding needs.


  • Our engineers and systems developers have a proven track record of developing and delivering advanced flight systems to both commercial and Government customers, including delivering components to the International Space Station (ISS).


  • Central to Aerolight’s expert technical capabilities is our unique understanding of SmallSat flight systems, and Additive Manufacturing (AM) technologies for advanced systems.


Aerolight offers our customers a strategic partnership in developing systems and capabilities, supporting time critical needs with process transparency and integrity at our core.

Our core competencies include...

Space System Design & Development

Aerolight has proven expertise and success in the design and development of space systems, including systems sent to the International Space Station (ISS). SmallSats offer a unique set of challenges and constraints that Aerolight understands and can address from proposal phase through implementation. With a breadth of technologies at your fingertips, Aerolight provides guidance and expertise for success and growth of technical achievement on which your project can build. Our unique fact-based analytics help our customers build more agile, efficient, cost-effective, and capable systems, and optimize mission capabilities through enterprise-level integration.

SmallSat Technologies

The last several years have seen an explosion of growth that has taken SmallSats from the university project to a full-fledged platform for space technologies. No longer just a technology demonstration, SmallSats are affordable and flexible platforms in which Aerolight has a deep field of knowledge.  Aerolight can guide you to developing the optimal design for your SmallSat and realizing the potential that these platforms offer. Areas of expertise include selection of commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware, design optimization, system test and analysis, tailored mission assurance approach, mission operations, and developing a product line to advance innovation.


View our White Paper on New Space and the Growth of SmallSats

Additive Manufactured Systems

The advances in both space systems and Additive Manufacturing (AM) technology present a unique opportunity for SmallSat systems to save on costs and implement designs not otherwise possible. Aerolight has the expertise to guide you through the process to determine where AM makes sense in your space system and how to implement a successful design. Designing for AM has many differences and considerations that need to be taken during the design and manufacturing phase and Aerolight has the skill set needed to implement an successful and manufacturable AM design strategy.

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