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Services & Solutions

Aerolight Technologies’ Technical Services Division specializes in providing expertise across a range of aerospace, R&D, and manufacturing disciplines.


  • We can provide a complete spectrum of engineering services from independent review and development of Systems Engineering (SE) & Program Management (PM) processes, procedures and documentation, to design and development activities.


  • Aerolight offers a unique cross-discipline experience in program management, acquisition, mission architecting, systems engineering, design, development, fabrication, integration, testing, verification & validation, and operations of space flight, airborne, and ground system hardware and software.


  • With a big-picture understanding of our customers’ needs and technical objectives, we utilize our mix of skills and experience to work together from concept to product integration in order to deliver reliable and quality products.


Aerolight stands ready to support all phases of projects, from initial conception to final product, to provide a customize expertise and best practices for the commercial and defense industries.

Aerolight's Technical Divisions:

Aerolight technologies Technical Services Aeropspace R&D manuacturing commercial defense civilian

Technical Services


Aerolight Technologies’ Technical Services Division specializes in providing expertise across a range of aerospace, R&D, and manufacturing disciplines. We provide our customers contract support across a spectrum of engineering disciplines, leveraging our past experience and delivering technical expertise to satisfy your mission requirements. Our areas of core support include:


  • Program Management & Systems Engineering

  • Systems Engineering & Integration

  • Design & Development

  • Quality & Mission Assurance

  • Mission Development

Aerolight Technologies Aerospace Systems design development cubesat satellite smallsat aerospace

Aerospace Systems


Aerolight Technologies’ Aerospace Systems Division is focused on the design, development, and deployment of unique one-of-a-kind solutions and products supporting the aerospace industry's use of SmallSat platforms. Aerolight understands and is focused on capturing the inherent benefits and potential that NewSpace offers, providing our customers innovative and advanced solutions that enabled a unique diversity of mission capabilities. Our core competencies include:


  • Space Systems Design & Development

  • SmallSat Technologies

  • Additive Manufactured Systems

Aerolight Technologies Advanced Technologies advaned research and development R&D pushing boundaries additive manfacturing

Advanced Technologies


Aerolight Technologies’ Advanced Technologies Division encompasses a range Advanced Research and Development (R&D) activities that strive to push the boundaries of the art-of-the-possible. Our focus is on innovative and advanced concepts and solutions that form a strategic and disruptive advantage. Building on our expertise and experience with mainline systems, we understand and work to advance the space technologies that enable new mission capabilities. Our core development area include:


  • Additive Manufacturing Technologies

  • Materials Development

  • Spaceflight R&D

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